Thursday, March 27, 2025

July 20, 2021

Choosing Effective SEO


Should you do your own SEO? There are some fundamental basics of search engine optimization and it’s not too difficult to figure out some of them. There’s a wealth of information online that you can easily access for free so you can start the process of understanding SEO. Many online SEO gurus have learned through experience via trial and error.

When it comes to advanced competition in your niche or in advanced SEO tactics when your competitor seems immovable from the top spot on Google, Yahoo and MSN you might want to call in the pros.

Everyone wants a good page rank when they are online. Everyone wants to be found on the top page of the big search engines. Do you know anything about social book marking, social networking, link farms, page rank or Alexa rank? Do you know how to use the SEO tools that come with your web design or blog software? Even if you choose to pay someone else to help you with your search engine optimization, you should learn at least the basics of SEO.

How do you learn more about SEO?

There are web based SEO courses that will teach you how to do your own SEO and there are videos you can watch in order to find out how to accomplish some of the techniques used. You can also read countless articles giving you tips and tricks about getting the right kind of deep links and about avoiding grey hat or black hat SEO tactics. You can also hire an SEO copywriter to help you optimize your home page and create content. There are some free SEO tools out there and some tools that you can purchase to help you with your online marketing.

You can hire an SEO company who helps small businesses at reasonable fees or you can hire big companies who might charge you thousands. One thing is for certain though, SEO is ever evolving and the average person does not know the exact formula behind how Google, Yahoo and MSN rank websites because these big three search engines continually change the rules so that the system maintains integrity. If someone uses underhanded tactics or spam they will be found out and might even be banned from the search engines. Companies who make it their business will keep up to date on the techniques and the rules and will help you, their client, stay near the top of the results. Do or Do Not Do It Yourself?

If you are a DIY personality you might love taking seo courses and managing your own SEO and playing with all the tools out there that can help you. Or, you might find the process cumbersome and frustrating though and if so, it’s best to hire someone to help. What some online entrepreneurs do is start out on their own and learn as much as they can and then solicit some help later on. The bonus here is that you gain experience and exposure and this can help you choose the right professional to help when you no longer have the time or desire to continue the process. If you find that you enjoy doing your own optimizing and are quite good at it, all the better for you!